10 Ideas For A Fun Backyard

Reminiscent of the clown-and-balloon carnival game, this water cup race is sup[er simple to set up and easy for everyone to play. All you have to do to make this game is cut holes in the bottoms of plastic cups, then string the cups onto a piece of yarn. This versatile table provides the perfect place to pay a few games of checkers, chess, or any other board game—all while soaking up the sun this summer.

Design by Jenna Sue Design Co. and Lowe’s Home Improvement. Playing outdoors encourages a physical relationship with the environment which reduce screen time and boosts physical activity. Playing outside with your children isn't just about encouraging more physical activity. A 2019 study found that kids who spend less time in green spaces are more likely to develop psychiatric issues, such as anxiety and mood disorders. So, time spent outside may improve your child's mental health.

Click here to pin these mega fun DIY backyard ideas for kids to Pinterest. Click here to pin these mega fun DIY backyard ideas for kids to Pinterest so you can come back to these ideas again. Our mission is to help you transform your boring backyard into a ridiculously fun place for kids where they actually want to spend hours and hours playing outdoors. But turning your outdoor space into a kid-friendly, frequently used space for active play doesn’t have to be a big job.

Fact checkers review articles for factual accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. We rely on the most current and reputable sources, which are cited in the text and listed at the bottom of each article. Content is fact checked after it has been edited and before publication. I encourage any parent to give children their own garden space, whether in a pot or a small plot in the ground––and the support to help make it a success. Grab your blanket and pillows and a big bowl of popcorn and head outside for an awesome backyard movie night.

Your kids will be entertained and put their skills to the test. Encourage your children Backyard fun to change up the course with their own ideas. No one says you need a tree to create a small treehouse for kids!

Check out our sunscreen for kids guide here. A trampoline can bring a lot of bouncing fun to your backyard. Many have sturdy mesh netting around the enclosure to help prevent bouncers from tumbling out of the trampoline.

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